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Supply-Chain Management

Managemnt, analysis, logistics, time to market, plan, distribution, procurement, profit

After a visit to the local communities and interviews with local communities, we came to the following results:

  • Our analysis shows that the Delta Region, like most part of  Nigeria has the potential to overcome infant and pregnancy mortality deaths through training and empowerment.

  • Logistics is a major problem because most of the roads are impassable and the major cause of delays in commercial deliveries.

  • Time to Market: Locally agricultural produce reaches the markets timely. Produce meant for export to locations beyond 50 km face transportation difficulties.

  • Planning: Group undertaken for mass production is lagging largely because farmers and business are not familiarized with collective efforts. Each for his or her own meager output.

  • Distribution: Our research shows that distribution on a grand scale is non-existent. The community must learn to work as a team and not as individuals.

  • Procurement: We the introduction of cooperatives in the agriculture sector, farmers who are technology alliterate are now having cooperative representatives to carry out the technology aspect of their industry. We are hoping that the younger generation see a brighter future in agriculture, which our research confirms could be achieve through profit-oriented large-scale farming.

  • Profit: Profit is minimal in the region because most businesses are small-size or sole proprietorship. We train locals to work as a group for greater yield.

  • Management: With a well-planned and organized labor force, the Delta region will become self-sufficient and self-dependent.

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